Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Herb Drying Rack (Tomato Cage)

I was cleaning up my herb bed and realized I didn't have a herb drying rack.  I have used my pot rack in the past but I really wanted something just for the herbs and something that might look cool in my kitchen.  I saw a quick pic online of the round herb rack and thought, "That looks like a tomato cage".  Hmmmm.  My mind was working and I quickly gathered my things together, but here it is mid-November and I don't have a tomato cage.  I ran down to the local hardware store and behold, a tomato cage.  I had an idea that I would wrap the stakes that go into the ground with some wire (I used some old picture hanging wire I had laying around) and then bend the ends to make hooks on the bottom.  This would give me three more hooks to hang some lavender.  This worked brilliantly.  I bought a small piece of chain (Lowe's $1.83) and a wire twisty thing (<$1.00) to put on the top ring of the rack.  I placed a hook (had in the house) in the ceiling and hung up my herb rack.  Now, I just left it plain but you could do all sorts of adornment and decorate this real pretty to match your kitchen decor.  I really did think of wrapping some white lights around it but I didn't feel like dealing with running the cord and such.  I tied up all my herbs with some twine I had and tied them to the rack.  You could get some S hooks and hang them on the rack which would be easier to remove your herbs but I didn't have but I might pick some up when I see some.  I think Bed Bath and Beyond have a pack of S hooks for a pot rack which might run around $6.  I'm not sure on that.  Anyway, have a good time and enjoy your herbs through the fall and winter seasons.  This project took me about 30 minutes once I had all my supplies. The total cost of this project was around $8.00.   (Side note, that is just water in my mason jar.)   

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